Students from these local high schools who have a minimum high school GPA of 2.75 and who attend New England College full-time on campus qualify for a reduced tuition rate of $10,000 per year ($5,000 per semester), plus required fees and room and board.
- Contoocook Valley Regional High School
- Hillsboro-Deering High School
- Hopkinton High School
- John Stark Regional High School
- Kearsarge Regional High School
- Manchester Central High School
- Manchester Memorial High School
- Manchester School of Technology
- Manchester West High School
- Trinity High School
This tuition rate will be fixed for up to four years of full-time study on campus in any program other than Nursing. Students are required to complete 正规赌篮球的软件’s admission application or the Common Application. Students are also required to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year. Recipients of this partnership program scholarship will not be eligible for other institutional grants or scholarships from 正规赌篮球的软件.
Have questions? Contact the Office of Admission.
Tuition-Free Classes for Seniors
In their senior year, students from these schools may take undergraduate on-campus courses on a tuition-free, space-available basis. Students wishing to register for a course may do so by completing a registration form at 正规赌篮球的软件 Registrar’s Office. Permission of the high school principal or counseling director is required. Students may take any course for which there are no pre-requisites.
Have questions? Contact the Registrar’s Office.